Monday, May 27, 2013

Upgrading Debian From Squeeze to Wheezy

Today PHP version 5.4 is needed some how on Debian Squeeze and after a little bit search on web I decided to update whole system to Debian Wheezy. By default, Debian Squeeze come up with PHP 5.3. Also it is possible to work with 5.4 on Squeeze but it needs much more effort to upgrade (I tried to compile PHP and failed). Anyway, Below procedure is successful to upgrade whole new Debian system.

Before starting, take your back-ups and your own risk :)

Tuesday, May 14, 2013

Opening a New Project at Redmine Working with Git

In this post the Git and Redmine is assumed to be installed and in use in your environment. Open a new project on Redmine and apply the following steps. I am using the Turn Key Virtual Appliance on Virtual Box. Though you can use following shell codes in other Redmine and Git integration environment by only changing directory paths.